What Are The Benefits Of Our CBD Capsules?

What Are The Benefits Of Our CBD Capsules?

What Are The Benefits Of Our CBD Capsules?

What Are The Benefits Of Our CBD Capsules?

CBD is extremely popular as it has many amazing health benefits. As a vape store in London, we have every vape goodie you can think of. We also now stock CBD capsules and other CBD products as vaping and CBD sometimes go hand-in-hand. Purchasing CBD products in our vape store in London is a great way to get two birds with one stone – you get your vape hit and your daily dose of CBD.

We’ve put together this blog to help you understand our CBD capsules and their health benefits better. Read on to learn more.

 What Is CBD?

Before getting into what CBD Capsules are and why they’re good for you, we’ll explain what CBD is so you have better context.

CBD, not to be confused with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), is a compound found in the Hemp plant. CBD is the short form for “Cannabidiol”, which naturally occurs in the hemp plant and has a whole bunch of health benefits. Your body basically produces this thing called the “endocannabinoids” which are neurotransmitters that connect with cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system. What CBD does is, it impacts the endocannabinoid activity in your body, and in doing so it helps with pain and inflammation (and more!).

How Can CBD Help?

CBD helps people in many different ways, and all of this is because of the effect it has on the body’s endocannabinoid system. This biological system is present in everyone and helps with regulating things like sleep, appetite, mood, pain, reproduction, and more.

CBD acts as an adaptogen, so it’s a healing plant that adapts to the needs of an individual and helps maintain homeostasis. This means that if one person has problems with sleep, CBD can help them. While another person may be suffering from acne, CBD can help with the inflammation. CBD can also help with PTSD.

Due to its adaptable quality, it’s even been lovingly called “The Boyscout Molecule” by scientists, since it always does the right thing in given situations.

What Are CBD Capsules?

 Now that you’ve gotten a gist of what CBD is and how it works in your body, it’ll be easier to understand what CBD Capsules are and how you can take them.

CBD capsules are essentially CBD extract in the form of a capsule. Just like any other over the counter capsule medication, CBD capsules have an outer covering layer with CBD powder/extract placed inside.

This extract is added according to a particular dosage, and the dosage can differ in each capsule. Depending on how much CBD you want to intake, you have to select a CBD capsule with the right dosage.

To take a CBD capsule, all you have to do is pop it in your mouth and swallow in down with some water, as you would with any other medication. CBD capsules are a no-added-flavour and quick way to take in your CBD for the day. Made to be effortless and efficient, CBD capsules are great for working people who don’t have to time to make CBD edibles out of oil. They are also ideal if you’re in a rush and don’t want to spend extra time deciding on flavours when buying.

CBD capsules essentially act as an all-round CBD supplement and can help you in many ways.

The Many Benefits of CBD Capsules

You’ve read that CBD has many health benefits, but there’s no point knowing that if you don’t know what these benefits are. So, here’s a list of benefits you can get if you choose to take CBD Capsules!

– Fast and Long-Lasting Relief: With CBD edibles, you get all the benefits of CBD without the negative effects of inhaling it through a vapour pen or just straight up smoking cannabis. Though it takes a while to take effect (30 minutes to 2 hours), the results last longer than through inhalation. The active compound in CBD edibles is combined with food, so the CBD is released slowly as the food is digested. This gives you a longer-lasting experience of relief.

– Pain Relief: CBD edibles are great when it comes to relieving pain. They’ve been proven to help patients with chronic pain, without the side effects that allopathic medicines* come with.

– Anti-Inflammation: The Anti-Inflammatory nature of CBD makes CBD edibles the perfect go to for people with pain from conditions like arthritis!

– Anxiety / Depression Relief: CBD edibles have been known to help people with anxiety disorders like General Anxiety Disorder. They have also been seen to help people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Apart from that, they also help people with depression.

– Regulation of Diet and Sleep Pattern: If you have an unhealthy relationship with food, CBD edibles can help you regulate your diet and make you eat proper meals on time. They can also help with insomnia and sleeplessness and help you get back on track and stay healthy, without making you feel drowsy the next day like sleeping pills do.

– General Positivity and Motivation: CBD edibles can help you start your day on a more positive note and are known to keep you energetic and motivated throughout the day.

All of this and more, CBD edibles are the perfect option for a lot of troubles. CBD is also non-psychoactive in nature and completely organic, so it’s completely safe to consume, for both adults and children alike. In fact, CBD edibles are the best bet for children to help them calm epileptic fits, deal with PTSD, sleep on time, and more!

* Please don’t discontinue any medications without consulting your doctor first.

Can You Find CBD Capsules in a Vape Store in London?

 Though you may think that CBD capsules are found specifically in CBD stores and dispensaries, you can even find them in vape stores in London.

In fact, we’re a great online vape store in London for all your CBD needs. Not only do we have CBD capsules, but we have many other CBD products for you to choose from. Browse our online vape store and find the perfect product for you

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