Everything You Need To Know About CBD Cream And CBD Lotion

Everything You Need To Know About CBD Cream And CBD Lotion

Everything You Need To Know About CBD Cream And CBD Lotion

Lots of vape stores in London have been selling CBD cream and CBD lotion lately. But what makes these CBD products so popular?

Though CBD is still most usually taken in the form of oil, topical CBD is growing more popular by the day. There are a number of reasons for this. CBD Creams and CBD lotion give you relief in the area of pain / irritation, and they play an overall great role in maintaining your skin’s health and look. CBD cream and CBD lotion give you the benefits of multiple drug store lotions, in one.

If you’re interested in knowing more about CBD cream and CBD lotion, read on to find out why vape store in London sell them!

What Is CBD?

Before we dive into CBD creams and lotions, we’ll tell you what CBD is.
CBD, not to be confused with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), is a compound found in the Hemp plant. CBD is the short form for “Cannabidiol”, which naturally occurs in the hemp plant and has a whole bunch of health benefits. Your body basically produces this thing called the “endocannabinoids” that are neurotransmitters that connect with cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system. What CBD does is, it impacts the endocannabinoid activity in your body, and in doing so it helps with pain and inflammation (and more!).

What Are CBD Creams and Lotions?

CBD cream and CBD lotion are creams and lotions that have CBD as an active and main ingredient. Companies add CBD to carrier oils like hemp seed oil, which they then put in skin creams.

Research has proven that CBD is anti-inflammatory in nature and can help get rid of symptoms related to a few skin conditions. Apart from this, CBD cream and CBD lotion can also help alleviate joint pain. There is still further research needed to see whether CBD products are as effective as over the counter pain medications like ibuprofen.

Most CBD creams and lotions use broad-spectrum CBD, which is basically CBD without THC or very trace amounts of it. The other two types of CBD used are full-spectrum and CBD isolate.

Are CBD Creams and CBD Lotions Safe?

Since CBD is a natural ingredient, CBD creams and lotions are safe to use. They don’t cause skin irritation and problems like that, but it would do you good to check in with your doctor before using anything new on your skin. Especially if you suffer from skin conditions.

In general, though, CBD creams and lotions are safe to use even if you have conditions like eczema. CBD is known to de-stress the skin and alleviate symptoms.

How to Use CBD Cream and CBD Lotion

The best way to use CBD creams and lotions is by applying the cream/lotion directly onto the affected area. The lotions and creams can give you relief at the surface as well as deeper into your muscles. In fact, they can also sometimes help you relax more and help you sleep better.

CBD is also commonly seen in salves, balms, and transdermal patches.

The Benefits of CBD Creams and CBD Lotions  

CBD creams and lotions have a lot of potential benefits for your skin. This includes, and is not limited to:

  • Reducing Signs of Aging: CBD, just like antioxidants like Vitamin E and Vitamin C, can treat dryness, inflammation, and radical damage. This means that it has the ability to fight signs of aging like dark spots, fine lines, and even wrinkles.
  • Balancing Complexion: CBD helps your skin’s endocannabinoid system in maintaining balance and homeostasis. It hydrates your skin without giving you excess oil. This way, you don’t have to deal with an oily T-zone or patchy spots ever again!
  • Soothing Skin: Topical CBD creams and lotions can help soothe your skin and get rid of annoyances like itching, dryness, and redness. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD.


Now that you know more about CBD cream and CBD lotion, you probably understand why more vape store in London are selling them these days. You may even be inclined to pick some up yourself now!

That’s great, because of the multiple benefits they have. If you’re looking  for quality CBD cream and CBD lotion, check out the Vapourz Lounge online shop. We have everything you need!


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